Monday, December 9, 2013

Busted Ass Kia

I've driven a busted ass Kia Sorento for five years this month. The first year I was good to avoid any damage to it, except the radiator cracked and I had to get a new one entirely (a nice $400 bill). When that happened, I was stuck on the side of the highway in Tallahassee with a smoking car leaking coolant wearing my Outback uniform--not my proudest moment.

A few months later, on my 21st birthday, I got into a pretty bad accident. Actually two of them. That's when about 80% of the damage was done to my car. Fortunately no one was hurt and my car was still drivable. It was all cosmetic except for a broken door sensor, which randomly beeps like crazy while I'm driving when the door is closed, and my AC, which was stuck on heat at full blast--what a delight considering I live in Florida. I was a poor college student and couldn't afford the repairs so I left it. 

When I graduated college, got a job and finally became able to financially afford to fix up the Kia, it hardly seemed worth it. It's constantly in the shop, I finally got the AC issue solved (although it still acts up sometimes), the door sensor is rigged with a piece of cardboard and some masking tape, I'm pretty sure I had to get another radiator, as well as new wheel bearings, all sorts of belts and hoses, etc., etc., etc.

Lately it's been making this wining noise. I know it's not good. It doesn't have the pickup it used to and I feel like it's about to break into pieces when I drive over 70mph (making highway driving a complete nightmare that I try to avoid). I've been joking that it's on it's last leg and I've been saving for a new car. 

On Friday someone from Craigslist said he'd give me $2,000 for the Kia, knowing good and well the Kia has it's fair share of problems. I found the title packed away in my old college stuff and was planning to meet him today. That was until last night. 

Last night I took Mila downtown to see the lights and the giant Christmas tree. As I was unloading her from the car I heard a loud hissing, I thought I had a flat tire but sure enough none were leaking air. All of the sudden, yellow liquid started pouring from my car. I stood up an realized the hissing was all the steam coming from under my hood. 

I called Ryan at work, he told me it wasn't safe to drive. AAA towed the car and Ryan's mom left dinner with her friends to come get us. We're praying it's an easy fix, just a disconnected hose or something simple that we can repair for a reasonable price and still sell the car. If not... Well, at least I rode her into the ground. 

RIP (?) Kira the Kia
2004 - Dec 2008 BC (before Cox)
Dec 2008 - Dec 2013 AC (after Cox)


1 comment:

  1. That Kia must have had its share of breakdowns! Three radiators in five years means something must be really wrong with it, either by getting a defective hose or the radiator itself. Were you able to eventually sell this to the Craiglist guy? Hopefully he can find out what's wrong with it and be able to get the most of what he paid for.
    Jimmy Reeder @
