Thursday, June 20, 2013

Babies in the Backyard

After over a year of living with a dust bowl for a backyard, the sod has finally been laid. Unfortunately for my excitement (and my dog's daily schedule), we had to wait a week before we could really play in it. So for the past seven days we've been relying on walks to the park, which is lovely, of course, but we got sod and a swing set so we didn't have to walk to the park every day. 

Nevertheless, the week has past and our sod grass is healthy and lush. Ryan is going to set up the swing set, hammock and our other goodies this weekend, but for now Mila, Jonah and I have been taking advantage of every ounce of daylight enjoying our bright green grass.

I'm so glad Ryan and I could provide this kind of backyard for our children, it's exactly what I grew up with and I cannot wait for backyard BBQs and laying out while watching M jump through the sprinklers. I love Florida, I love a good outside space and I love these sweet, sweet babies.


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