Friday, April 26, 2013

Pop Music Addiction

I have a friend who I won't name. HE (yes, he) likes to read my blog and also secretly loves lame pop songs. We have been known to listen to said pop songs (example: New Soul) on repeat while singing them at the top of our lungs. Real mature, I know.

Right now my pop obsession is Ingrid Michaelson. Have you heard "You and I"? I seriously cannot stop listening to it. I know this is such tween behavior but it makes me think of Ryan, SWOON ♥♥♥ How old am I? My boss may literally shoot the speakers off my computer if he hears it again.

My nameless friend recommends "The Way I Am," which is Ingrid's popular song. You have probably heard it in the presence of your friends and been like "(scoff)...what a lame song." We all know you crank it up when you're alone. It's cool, you're not the only one. My full grown man-friend who is covered in tattoos, rides a motorcycle and has a beard that could shame the stars of Duck Dynasty does it too.

My family and friends have really been inspiring me to blog lately. Maybe I'm trying to make up for my leave of absence, I'm not sure, but I really like it. I hope you do too. I've got some good stuff on deck. I am working on a cupcake entry complete with recipes (way overdue) and even have a couple of designers brainstorming ideas with me to spiff up the graphics on this sucker. Stay tuned, we're just getting started.


P.S. Congratulations on graduating from University of Central Florida, nameless man-friend.

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